Thursday, February 15, 2007

My Nokia is my iPod; is my PSP; my gameboy; my phone; my ebook reader; my digital diary; and more....

I read this awesome blog post titled "My Nokia E61 is my iPod"; check it out and my comment at the blog-url below:

The author writes about how his iPod nano conked off; and after buying a 2GB memory card for $60;
"The challenge I faced was how to manage my music libraries and move the music to my Nokia E61. I found a great tool to help me do just that. The free application SyncTunes lets you syncronize part of your iTunes library to an SD card. This is the step-by-step guide."

Book-mark this URL and check it out.

The above post gave me the eureka and aha moments I needed to put together my thoughts.

Been thinking a lot but couldnt actually bring myself to articulate my thoughts; but ok, while you wait for my post, check out the posts below that set me thinking (as in thinking about why I disagree/differ with what they said).


This guy is generally pretty independant minded and sensible-- but abt his comments on the iPhone; all I can say is, as John Carmack would say "wtf, ya still dont get it!!!".

Haydn Shaughnessy's blog... puts his thoughts accross straight and blunt!!! The way only a Irishman or a Scotsman or some other similarly defiant subject of Her Majesty could!
"The Content is King, make that Queen, Jack"; argues that actually money is king; as opposed to what Ajit Jaokar et al proponents of say.

And arguably, what I'd say is that it's neither content nor money that's king;
I think it's the ability to add value for the customer that's king.

Pop Quiz::: What're the three killer apps for smartphones in most of asia ?
(a) Call-Recorder
(b) Games
(c) Music & Videos & the extra large capacity for phone book and received SMSes & perhaps the ability to check email on the mobile.

Dunno if that'd sound kind of dumb... but yeah... that's what I've learnt and realized talking to people and watching out... in India and in China; which're said to be amongst the fastest growing mobile markets in the world!!!

So I guess this should be a sort of wake up call....

Dunno if many would agree, but yeah, that's what I think-- and the world's still waiting for the killer app which would make people want to buy mobiles.... the way folks in the 80s bought PCs just so they could run Lotus-1-2-3 or Visicalc!!!

So; if that's what I think, what's the connection between the iPhone review and Haydn Shaughnessy's 'Content is King' thingie ?

Well... I personally feel that whether or not apple gets a hit in iPhone, their strategy is perhaps to go through a market-validation process--- to see and discover markets where the sale of incredibly cool products could be driven by the sale of killer apps.

That may sound disconnected and off the ground; but the markets I refer to are markets like the ones apple originally discovered/created/expanded when folks would calculate the cost of setting up a image-editting creative studio by adding the cost of buying a couple of high-end apple boxes and the cost of the right number of photoshop licenses.

How wrong could I be ?

or am I on target ? eye-of-the-male-buffalo, if not bull's-eye ?

Comments & feedback always welcome....
Would love to hear from all you folks out there in blogosphere.
Am new here, so forgive my naivette abt trackback URLs et al.

-Gizmo Buddy

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